We all know how important it is to keep things fresh and up-to-date, especially when it comes to the content on your school’s website. But let’s face it, managing all that can be a bit of a juggling act. That’s where our friendly tech team at iTCHYROBOT have been listening to school conundrums around managing all the content on their website and have come to the rescue with an innovative new rule set designed to make your lives easier and ensure your website visitors always get the most current information you publish on your school website.

The Problem: Outdated Content Lurking in the Shadows

Over time, schools publish loads of content, from policies and documents to announcements and newsletters. While this is fantastic for keeping everyone informed, it can also lead to a bit of a mess. Search engines like Google and Bing are great at cataloguing content, but they’re not quite smart enough to know when something’s out of date. This means old policies and documents can still show up in search results, leading visitors to outdated information. Worse still those out of date links on the search engine hang around for years and if the content does get deleted users can get the page not found 404 message which is off putting.

The Solution: Smart Filtering Rules to the Rescue

Enter the iTCHYROBOT techies with an efficient solution! They’ve researched and developed some detailed filtering rules to ensure your website visitors are always directed away from accessing old content that has been long since forgotten about and redirected to current content. And the best part? There’s nothing for you to do – it’s all taken care of!

What’s Changing?

Starting in May 2024, you’ll notice some fantastic new features on your school website. Here’s what’s in store:

1. Content Relocation Page

The first main rule is all about media content like PDFs and office documents – think of all those newsletters, policies and letters home that you published back in 2014. Yes, if you have not deleted them they are likely still lurking on your site somewhere. From now if a visitor tries to access these directly from a search engine link, rather than through your school website, they’ll be redirected to a content relocation page. This handy page will offer alternate sources to help them find the information they need. No more outdated documents floating around! Well they still exist but we don’t need to tell you school website visitors about them!

2. Content Age Violation Page

The second rule tackles the age of your documents. Our current rules detect documents older than 2019. If a visitor stumbles upon such an old document, they’ll be redirected to a content age violation page. This page not only informs the visitor that the content is out of date but also sends an email alert to the main email listed in your school’s contact details. This way, you’ll be notified and can take action to update or remove the outdated content.

Seamless Integration: No Extra Work for You!

These changes are designed to operate invisibly in the background, ensuring your website visitors always access relevant and current information about your school, its policies, and procedures. It’s a smooth and seamless process that saves you time and keeps everyone in the loop with the latest updates.

Why This Matters

Keeping your school website up-to-date is crucial for maintaining trust and transparency with your community. By ensuring visitors always have access to the latest information, you’re helping to create a positive, reliable experience for parents, carers, pupils, and staff alike. Plus, with iTCHYROBOT’s filtering rules, you can rest easy knowing that your website is running efficiently minimising the presentation any outdated content slipping through the cracks.

So, there you have it! Exciting new rules to keep your school website fresh, current, and user-friendly. A big shout-out to the innovative team at itchyrobot for making this possible. Here’s to a more streamlined and effective way of managing our school’s online presence – all without lifting a finger!

Stay tuned for more updates and the latest tips and tricks to make your school website the best it can be. Happy browsing!