General Information for Schools or Academies
- A domain name that makes sense to visitors (easily identifying who you are such as “” not “”
- Your Headteacher’s name with first name or initial such as Mrs J Smith or Mr Richard Jones
- Names of staff, including teachers, teaching assistants, midday supervisors, caretaker with responsibilities such as Head of Y6, SENCO, Science Coordinator, Acting Safeguarding Lead.
- Google maps link and directions, especially if parking or access is an issue.
- Information about disabled access to the school and facilities
- Events calendar (eg Sporting fixtures, special events, Christmas Performances)
- Term dates for the next two years
- Times of school day, lessons, and assemblies, School’s In / Out
- After school clubs and extra curricular activities
- A link to your VLE with instructions on how to get a parent’s password
- Newsletter and copies of letters to parents
- Link to Parent View (Picture links available from Ofsted for a Parent View logo)
- Your twitter, facebook feed, if you have one
- Uniform list, with contact details for local suppliers (& downloadable order form)
- Downloadable permission slips for school trips
- A homework timetable, with handing in dates and spellings lists
- Information about the PTA or Parents Forum
- Gallery of children’s work
- Links to Local Authority Schools website and Gov.UK education pages
- This week’s lunch menu
- Snow and bad weather policy, with a link to the local radio station Snow Line
- Secure area for Governors, with all policies and their review cycle, SDP, committee and GB minutes, links to Modern Governor or GEL e-learning logins, LA Governor Services, the Governors’ Handbook, NGA, training courses and contact details for the GB
- A governors’ blog (example)
- Pages that display correctly on a smartphone or other mobile device. It is recommended that the website should be built using a “responsive template” so the content automatically adjusts to the screen size of the device being used to view the site
- A welcome from the Headteacher
- Privacy policy – to comply with GDPR
- Accessible pages
General Information – MATs